1. Upon first login you will be greeted with “Register a team” button. You must create your team using the following format to differentiate between different teams from the same club: “Clubname” “Team Name””. Eg. “ESCO Picklebacks”. Complete all other details in the profile setup.
  2. Navigate to the “Team” tab [1] and add your riders by their Zwift ID [2]. After riders have been added and undertaken their first race, they will be locked into the roster until the next transfer window..

  1. As you add riders, the system will visualise which ranks can still be added to the team to keep it within the 3 rank spread rule. Your first rider can be anyone, after that it will show you which riders could be added and stay in range. eg. Below I have added only bronze riders, so you could add any of these ranks and stay within a range of 3. If in this example you were to add a copper rider, the range would reduce so you could then only add to silver.


  1. If riders have not yet raced for the team that season, or have been inactive on ladder for a certain period they may be removed from the roster by pressing the red X on the right of their stats. This is the same process for removing riders during the transfer window.
