The league has a greater onus than normal on captains/managers of individual teams taking on organisation of individual events, in order to take part each team must have:
- Clubs, teams and riders must be of good standing within the Zwift community with no history of cheating or other controversy. It is expected that the majority of riders within a team are members of the club they are representing. All applications for participation will be reviewed by the race committee, who reserve the right to reject applications they feel will not make a positive contribution to the series.
- An appointed captain per team to be the main point of contact.
- Created an account on Discord and joined the series server with your team name and captain clearly identified in your Discord server name. (eg. Douglas [Captain Electric Spirit Co. Picklebacks])
- Been invited to and created an account for the tournament software (this will happen after you complete the form and are accepted in the league).
- Familiarised themselves with the ZwiftRacing App rankings system
- Commit to their team racing minimum 1 race every 3 weeks.
- Commit to abide by the rules set out within this document.