1. Where a sticky watts flag is given, race control will still check that it is not a false flag, if the DQ remains 24 hours after race finish, you can assume it is correct.
  2. If you'd like to investigate any possible device issues, first ask your rider to locate their log files for the ride in question https://support.zwift.com/locating-log-files-BykKO63fr
  3. Use Zwiftalizer to analyse these files to spot common device issues, dropouts of connections are particularly common causes of sticky periods. https://zwiftalizer.com/

Zwiftalizer provides a range of guides and tips to help you from uploading files, to analysis and resolving issues, so we would ask captains use their site rather than asking race control, who will likely just point you towards their help pages anyway. Zwiftalizer Help: https://zwiftalizer.com/help Zwiftalizer Video Guides: https://www.youtube.com/@zwiftalizer